Curd for skincare regime

Curd is been recognized as Miracle component for skincare.It is being used from our traditional times to make our skin radiant and youthful.In today's world ,Stress and heavy workload has make our skin,here curd is a natural ingredient which is been proved to be a ward for all skin types.

It is full of vitamin C ,lactic acid and anti - bacterial properties and calcium that can transform your skin what is looks and feel.Instead of investing high in parlours for expensive skin treatments to look gorgeous here curd packs are good option and even budget friendly too to make your skin healthy


  • EXFOLIATES YOUR SKIN curd contains lactic acid which helps skin in its shedding process and make skin younger,beautiful and youthful.

  • NOURISHES YOUR SKIN : curd has nourishing elements as it holds vitamins,minerals and proteins which help your skin acne free and clean.

  • KEEP YOUR SKIN HYDRATED : curd has thick fat content which help your skin to  seal moisture and make your skin hydrated ,free from dullness ,pigmentation,scars etc.

  • SOOTHES YOUR SKIN :curd has cooling effect on your skin.It relieves you from inflammation and acne scars , finally make your skin healthy and glowy.

Instead of having curd in your meal ,you can add curd with some ingredients and all apply directly on your face to beautify yourself.Your beauty ideally can be enhanced with the help of curd.Curd is embedded with high nutrition value which can be added with ingredient to get awesome skin texture.Here some tips to prepare face packs associated with curd.

  1. CURD + HONEY : As curd holds anti bacterial properties and lots of proteins,it hydrates our skin and honey helps locking hydration which utimately remains helpful to make your skin supple And soft.For this pack, You need 2tbsp of curd and one tbsp of honey.Clean your face and Pat it dry then apply this mask and keep it for 20 MINUTES.Wash off with cold water. Apply this mask ONCE A WEEK.This mask is helpful for fading scars,acne marks ,pigmentation etc.
  2. CURD + GRAM FLOUR(besan) : Gram flour is a very good component for oily skin people.It works as a best face wash  for oily skin people.It helps to remove dirt particles from your skin and make your skin tanfree,pimple free.and helpful in removing scars mark.For this pack , You need 1 tbsp of curd and 1tbps of gram flour .Apply it for 15 MINUTES and then wash off with lukewarm water.Apply this pack ONCE A WEEK.
  3. CURD + TURMERIC POWDER(haldi) : Turmeric powder has anti -septic and anti bacterial properties which remain helpful to fight from acne , scars problem and make your face fair,bright and gives in your face a natural glow.In this pack you need 1 tbsp of curd and 1/4 tbsp of haldi ,mix it and apply it on to your face for 15 minutes then wash it off with lukewarm water.Apply this pack ONCE A WEEK.
  4. CURD + LEMON JUICE : Lemon works wonder for the skin including brightening ,lightning acne marks,control oil in skin , maintaining pH level of skin.Its anti septic properties helps to maintain skin healthy and supple.For this pack you need curd 2tbsp and 1 tbsp of lemon juice .Mix it apply it for 20 MINUTES  and then was with Luke warm water.Apply this pack TWICE A WEEK.
  5. CURD + ORANGE PEEL POWDER: Orange peel with curd works wonders as it exfoliated , moisturizes  your skin and even out your color complexion of skin ,make it radiant And gorgeous.Fot this face pack you need 2 tbsp of curd and 1tbsp of orange peel powder.mix it and apply it on your face for 20 MINUTES and then wash off with lukewarm water.Apply it TWICE A WEEK.
  6. CURD + MULTANI MITTI (Fuller's earth) :Multani mitti is a basic and main role player in beauty products which works awesome in controlling oil balance of skin , nourishing skin with its rich minerals  and maintaining it's exfoliated your skin and increases blood circulation.For this pack you need 2 tbsp of curd and 2 tbsp of multani mitti .Mix it and apply it for 20 MINUTES .Wash off with cold water .Apply it TWICE IN A WEEK.
Include these awesome face packs in your skin care regime And notice flawless results.Which face pack have you applied and what you noticed in your 30 days.Let us know in comments section.