Sugar & Salt

SUGAR and SALT are the basic ingredients of any food.During preparation of any either sweet or spicy these two play an important role.But taking anything in limited amount cannot harm our body and health but excess can lead to severe chronic diseases.

In this modern world now packed , processed foods or restraunt foods are becoming a norm , which contain high level of sugar content in packed and processed foods.

What is a role of Salt and Sugar in our body?

SALT : Salt in real term called as sodium chloride is helpful in digestion of food, nutrition absorption,transport etc.Sodium effect volume of liquids retained by our body outside the cell which resulted regultes the blood.Chloride becomes a part of acids in our digestive tract.Excess of sodium can increase the volume of body fluids thus raising body pressure which can lead to stroke or heart attacks,water gain etc issues.

SUGAR : Sugar refers to carbohydrate / sucrose / fructose/ glucose.The carbohydrates we consume break down into sugar and releases energy. Fruits and vegetables contain their default natural sugar which is not harmful for our body.

Complex carbohydrates are better than simple sugar.Excess sugar can lead to weight gain , diabetes, heart attacks,obesi ob,insulin resistance etc

sugar & salt

Can we cut salt and sugar from our diet completely?

We can cut sugar from our diet completely as it is very toxic for our health .Fruits , vegetables, whole grains contains default sugar,these healthy carbohydrates ,fats ,proteins can give us energy for the day .

But we cannot eliminate salt completely from our diet as helps to regulate water in and out of the cell.Eliminating salt can cause swelling of tissues , inflammation , heart attack issues , low blood pressure etc.

How much salt and sugar we should take?

According to the center of  disease control & prevention,the majority of salt and sugar intake should be :

SUGAR: For men's it should be 9 teaspoons per day or 37 grams each day and for women's it should be 6 teaspoons or 25 grams each day.

SALT: For each person it should not be more than 2300mg per day or one teaspoon per day but if your age is more than 51 years than your sodium intake should be not more than 1500mg.

Pros and cons of salt and sugar:

Cons of  EXCESS SALT :

  • High blood pressure.
  • Bloating
  • Weight gain
  • Water retention
  • Headaches
  • Stroke
  • Kidney stone
  • Kidney failure
  • Heart attack

Pros of SALT :

  • Facilitates body digestion and movement.
  • Supports heart health.
  • Prevents iodine deficiency.
  • Reduces diabetes risk
  • Rehydrates our body.
  • Improves respiratory functionality.
  • Helps removes toxins
  • Decrease appetite.
  • Helps in maintaining body weight.


  • Helps our brain to work as it holds glucose which stimulates our nervous system ultimately making us relaxed and feel good.
  • Works as energy booster.

Cons of SUGAR :

  • Lowers down your metabolism which lead to gain overweight,accumulate fat in abdomen.
  • Increases risk of diabetes.
  • Bad for teeth,can cause cavities.