Most people define personality as the collection of mental and behavioral traits that make you who you are.when we say someone has a good personality ,it means they are likeable,interesting and pleasant to be with.

In today's world every person wants to maintain their personality and wants to look gorgeous and glowing.

Radiant skin

Here find some TIPS or DIY's to make your skin glowing:

  1. In morning after waking and washing your face, Take some ICE CUBES and rub it in your face .It will increases your blood circulation of your face, minimize large pores and make your face fresh, healthy and glowing.
  2. Take a spoonful of HONEY or take it with warm water in morning. Honey is iron full supplement,helps to form hemogobin. Honey holds anti - bacterial and anti - oxidants properties that help fights pimples and make your skin youthful.
  3. ROSE WATER holds astringent property which prevents acne and pimples,tones your skin, makes your skin smooth and supple.Once you are done with makeup spray cold rose water on to your makeup which maintains your skin hydrated , makeup fresh and will keeps your skin glowy throughout the day.
  4. ESSENTIAL OILS are highly concentrated version of natural oil of plants which holds characteristic fragrance with different properties of plant from which it has been extracted. It holds properties which is helpful for hair, skin and health (relieving stress,healing acne ,soothes skin).Take a hot water in a small tub/pan and add some drops  of essential oils to water based in your skin type ( can be orange,lavender etc).Soak a towel in water and squeeze out extra water and keep it on your face for 1 to 2 minutes .It will opens up pores helps you to remove any extra makeup residue , dirt from your skin and make your skin youthful and fresh.
  5. CUCUMBER GEL is good for dark circles.Extract some of cucumber gel and place in refrigerator until it becomes cool.Apply some amount of cucumber gel around your eyes  to get rid of dark circles .Keep it overnight and wash it off in morning .You will notice fresh , sparkling eyes in morning.
  6. OIL MASSAGE is good for enhancing beauty of your skin by removing wrinkles and fine lines.Before going to bed ,Take few drops of either sweet almond oil (for oily skin) or olive oil (for dry skin) into your night cream and apply in circular motion.
  7. REJUVENATING FACE PACK is essential after every 3 days to rejuvenate your skin.Take an egg ,add some drops of essential oil and sweet almond oil.Apply 2  to 3 layers to your face  and keep it for 20 minutes . Now finally remove your pack in upward direction .If you don't like egg then you can apply orange Peel pack  with milk or curd .Keep your pack for 20 minutes then wash off with cold water.
These all are some important tips which you can follow to maintain your skin glowing , brightening and ageless.